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Why AddOn?

Hi! My name is Julia and I am the CEO and founder of AddOn. I’ve used many reading and writing apps, and while they’re enjoyable to use, I’ve always wondered what would happen if multiple authors put their ideas together. What kinds of surprising twists and turns could be created if the creator changes from time to time?

I think AddOn will be a fun platform for writers to use that will challenge their abilities to match the previous author’s voice. It will be difficult but fun as you read through what has previously been written and then decide what happens next. If a chapter ends with a cliff-hanger, it will be up to the new author to decide the characters’ destiny.

I am so excited to see what everyone comes up with and also see authors grow. Have fun and let your creative energy out!

How it works…

Create the first chapter of a book or add a chapter to someone else’s. If you’re a reader, vote on which authors you like the best so that they can continue writing your favorite books!

You can upgrade as an author as you get more likes and votes from readers. You will then be able to work with more advanced authors.


Before you begin adding onto another story it is important that you review what has already been written. Make sure that you not only understand what is going on in the story but also the author’s voice and what point of view they are writing in.


Be creative! Some stories need to be brought back to life and you can do just that! Take time to think of ideas that could fit well in the story and make it better.


Each chapter needs to be a minimum of 1200 words. This will hopefully ensure that adding onto other’s stories will be taken more seriously.